Sunday, January 6, 2019

What Happened to the Church?

Today while getting ready for church this is what I received from the Lord.

“Stop doing things that I have not ask you to do. Stop doing more than what I have ask you to do. I am raising up a church where people are free to come to me, worship me without distraction, distraction of words, distraction of a show. I may have given my people a word but have I given them the time? My people are not listening to my prompting. Every word I give is not always for the now. I may have given my people a song to sing or a performance but they are losing site on who they are singing and performing for. Look to me my children, look to me.”

Then later while I was attending church this was on my heart.

“There is a difference between man speaking and man permitting the Holy Spirit to speak. My spirit is grieved, the church is dead”

Since returning home from the church service I cannot shake this feeling of disappointment. It is not that I was going to church to be wowed but going to love on Christ and to be loved by Him. The whole thing just felt rehearsed, un genuine, rushed and void. As I am thinking things over and typing this I just want to cry. The world is a dark place. People are in need, they are looking for things to make them feel human and whole. The church is suppose to be that for them. A place where they can come as they are, be excepted and engulfed in the pure love of Christ. Instead we have these churches growing at a fast rate but the Spirit of the Lord is no where to be found. Or you have these churches that puts the Spirit on a time limit. I do not know which is worse. I do not have time to play games when it comes to my walk with Christ. I need for the Spirit to lead me on a daily basis. If I cannot go to the church and join in on corporate worship and truly find the Spirit there then I must ask myself...what happened to the church?

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